About Safe Monroe

Safe Monroe is a private non-profit [501(c)(3)] tax-exempt corporation that serves as a safe haven for anyone affected by domestic and sexual abuse – of any sexual orientation, gender identity, age, economic status or cultural background. – in the Monroe County area. For over 42 years, we have provided the  free and confidential comprehensive support services to victims of domestic and/or sexual abuse, their families and significant others; prevention education and risk reduction programs in schools and the community, and training to the professionals and advocates who work with the victims of these crimes.

Safe Monroe has been a member of the Pocono Mountains United Way since 1980.

We are registered with the Pennsylvania Commission for Charitable Organizations and are funded as Monroe County’s designated sexual assault crisis center by the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR) and a domestic violence shelter by The Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV). As a member organization of both coalitions, Safe Monroe actively participates in state and national initiatives which impact the lives of those we serve.

The agency currently employs 22 full- and part-time staff and is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. A dedicated corps of volunteers provides direct services such as staffing the 24-hour hotline, as well as fundraising and outreach initiatives.

Safe Monroe provides services to all victims in our community, regardless of gender, age, race, sexual orientation, or religion.