National Love Is Kind Day!
Celebrating Survivors of Abuse!

Wednesday, July 27th, 2022 is National Love Is Kind Day!

Love is Kind Day recognizes survivors of Domestic Violence and celebrates their freedom and independence from abuse! We've created a coloring page for you to download, print, and color! Share your completed pages with us and make sure to tag us on Facebook and Instagram! Say NO to violence. Say YES to kindness!




How to Observe Love Is Kind Day:

  • Celebrate for all victims of domestic violence/domestic abuse their FREEDOM and INDEPENDENCE from their abuser.
  • Recognize our right to be treated with KINDNESS. Because real love is kind, not terrorizing.
  • Realize that kindness is the path to healthy and safer relationships, families, society, and the world.
  • Give voice for and hope and support to others who are still suffering, often in silence.
  • Spread messages about how we can be kind to one another, especially to those closest to us.
  • Remember that love is not abusive, violent, demeaning, or dehumanizing. If someone uses love as an excuse for their hurtful behavior, it’s not real love.

If you or someone you know is experiencing Domestic and/or Sexual Violence, please call our 24/7 Hotline to speak with a trained counselor or advocate. Our services are FREE, CONFIDENTIAL, and available to everyone. CALL 570-421-4200.